About Us

Who We Are
Our goal is simple. We assist our clients in achieving quality, customized or COTS, cost-effective solutions to extremely difficult problems.

What We Do
Our systems approach is designed to respond to “out of the box” challenges, providing our clients with effective, best of class, repeatable, sustainable, survivable, and secure (RS-3) solutions.

Our Success
Based upon a core set of strengths in AI and technology development and with the support of our highly trained executive management team Eagleforce has been leading and supporting clients with their most difficult challenges.
How We Work
EagleForce Associates, Inc. is an advanced technology development firm focused on leading and supporting clients with their most difficult challenges.
Our innovative approach uses a combination of systems, including:
- Algorithm-based technology
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based Cloud Computing methodology
- Wireless communications architectures
- Collective personal experiences
- Technology company portfolio of relationships
Company Mission
Our mission is to assist our clients in the design and deployment of intelligent systems, "Where man and machine interface and applications are designed to optimize the performance of each by providing the heavy lifting for many of the most difficult problems in the marketplace."
Planning Strategies
EagleForce’s Business Analytics and Intelligence (BAI) Solutions marries our Senior Subject Matter Experts (SME) experience in technology development and large scale deployments, management, “policy to application” (P2A) workflow and rules-based adjudication, financial and engineering competencies with the company’s portfolio of advanced software and hardware applications and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) documentation and performance based metrics to provide clients with strategic and focused results.
Our Experienced Workforce
EagleForce’s staff and technology has been instrumentally involved in many of the nation’s most critical technology challenges, ranging from Defense, Intelligence and across Healthcare to advance Business Intelligence, ERP, Fraud Waste and Abuse, and Automated Claims processing and reporting.